Competency 2 – Diversity

I will continue to apply self-awareness and self-regulatory measures in order to manage the influence of personal biases and values when working with diverse clients and others. I can present myself as a learner and eager to engage clients and others as experts of their own experiences. I will apply and communicate an understanding of the importance of diversity and difference in shaping life experiences in practice at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Diversity and differences characterize and shape the human experience and are crucial to forming an identity. Dimensions of diversity are multifaceted including and not limited to age, race, religion/spirituality, sex, sexual orientation, and tribal sovereign status. A person’s life experiences may include oppression, poverty, marginalization, and alienation as well as privilege, power, and acclaim. I will strive to recognize the many different forms and mechanisms of oppression and discrimination and will work to recognize the extent to which a culture’s structures and values, including social, economic, political, and cultural exclusions, might oppress, marginalize, alienate, or create privilege and power.


2A – Develop and implement strategies that strive to eradicate discrimination in any form

Course Evidence: In Advanced Administrative Practice II (Organizations), I was part of a group that developed a non-profit organization that would provide trauma-informed care (TIC) to persons who had experienced trauma at any time in their life. During the creation of this organization, our group created guidelines and ways in which the staff of the organization would eradicate discrimination within the organization and practice culturally competent care through all-inclusiveness. In our final paper, we discussed Strategies of Diversity to provide all-inclusive care to patients despite any bias. 

Field Evidence: In my field practice setting, before beginning the internship, I was required to take a Relias training on Cultural Competence and Non-Discrimination training which required a review of criteria in modules, completing quizzes to indicate mastery and the receipt of the attached certificates. Both of these training are demonstrations of how I was able to develop strategies that I implemented into practice with clients on an on-going basis in practice during therapy sessions at the Helen Ross McNabb Center.

2B – Implement evidence-based and culturally-informed strategies with diverse populations

Course Evidence: This semester in Advanced Integration of Faith I, we had to post a discussion on worldviews and culture. The professor asked the question, “What is a worldview?” We had to describe if our religion proposes any specific worldview and contrast that information of a scientific worldview. In this Worldview Discussion Post, I discuss my faith’s approach to a worldview and identify how it is important as a social worker to be culturally competent with clients who may have a different worldview than our own.