Advocate with and inform stakeholders to impact policy change
On Purple Thursday I had a booth at the School of Social Work Purple Thursday event in the student center. I had two QR codes that they could scan which led to two different quizzes. One was on the relationship between housing insecurity and domestic violence, and the second was on how social workers help with domestic violence. I also had a fact sheet that they could take with information and facts about both of those topics, as well as the contact information for the Family Justice Center and two domestic violence hotlines. By hosting this booth, I used social justice to educate and inform those who stopped by using a trauma informed framework on the connection between domestic violence and housing insecurity, as well as how they could help those impacted. In recruiting these individuals to the Master of Social Work program, I was advocating for the field of social work and the populations that it serves. I used the cognitive process of understanding and the affective process of valuing.
Below are the materials that I made for the booth including a QR code that includes the quizzes: