Competency #7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
*7A: Formulate comprehensive assessments, using a variety of diagnostic classifications systems:
Academic Evidence: During the academic year, we were given access to several assessment tools such as the Columbia Suicide Assessment. Some assessments discussed also provided how to determine a diagnosis depending on the answers provided. I was also able to complete a training for a Suicide Safer Care during the academic year.
Field Evidence: Competency seven has been the most rewarding part of my internship. I have utilized the assessment tools provided by the company in a system called Credible. This section of my internship has been very educational, and I have gained a tremendous amount of understanding for diagnosis and how to ask questions to obtain answers.*
*7B: Design and implement organizational and/or community assessments:
Academic Evidence: During the academic year, the course Advanced Administration and Leadership II provided design for development and with working in communities as needed.
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Field Evidence: During the field practicum, I was able to engage in implementing organizational tools to complete the assessments. I was able to discuss with my field supervisor better alternatives when engaging with the clients and if implementation was successful for the organization as a whole.