Engage Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ADEI) in Practice
As a social worker, I understand the significance and importance of advocating for diversity, anti-racism, equity and inclusion within my professional and personal life. I will strive to engage in diversity and difference in practice by educating myself in diversity, utilizing strategies and practices that incorporate diversity and equality within my interactions with clients as well as being intentional to apply self-reflection and self-awareness to ensure my clients get the best care possible.
2.1 Demonstrate leadership in developing and implementing evidence-based practice with relevant strategies that advance human rights at the individual, family, group, organizational, community, research, and policy levels.
Course Evidence: Towards the end of my Advanced Clinical Practice: Group Psychotherapy class, I got to create a group script with my group members that demonstrated the skills that we had learned throughout the semester in a creative way. This allowed us to create a scenario in which we could demonstrate our ability to implement key evidence-based practice strategies relating to doing group work. To view the full final script, click here.
Field Evidence: During my practicum, I noticed there were students visiting who were primarily Spanish speaking students. I was able to translate check-in forms and worksheets from English to Spanish to increase multi-cultural engagement and decrease the language barrier between students and content. Click here to view an example of the check-in form. Click here to view an example of a worksheet.
2.2: Implement culturally informed strategies with diverse populations.
Couse Evidence: Towards the end of my Integration of Faith and Advanced Practice Seminar I class, I was able to bring all the topics together and write a paper integrating religion, faith and learning into my personal and professional career. This paper allowed me to critically think about strategies that can be utilized when working with diverse religious populations. To view the completed paper, click here.
Field Evidence: For my practicum, I was able to be involved with planning and organizing parent night events at Collegedale Academy. These events covered different topics selected by parent survey responses such as building resilience in kids and how to use social media and the internet safely. I was able to identify the most requested topics based on the data collected and work to find speakers that would be willing to present on that topic. I was also able to expand the invitation list to involve more diverse populations through inviting the neighboring Seventh-day Adventist schools to join and gain insight from the topics presented. To view an email regarding coordinating with a speaker for one of the parent nights, click here.
Skills Used: During the completion of these learning behaviors, I was able to use skills of critical thinking, organization, problem solving, communication, observation, engagement, and collaboration.
Knowledge Used: While completing this competency, knowledge from different courses was used such as Integration of Faith and Advanced Practice Seminar I and Advanced Clinical Practice: Group Psychotherapy. Additionally, knowledge in psychotherapy skills, working with groups, what websites to use for translating into Spanish, how faith impacts my career, and cultural events such as living library and knowledge of using Canva were present through this competency.
Values Present: Through this competency, the values of service, integrity, and dignity and worth of the person are present. Through lining up parent night speakers with the desired topics, integrity was present as we assured that the speakers were competent in the topics. Service and dignity and worth of the person were present in translating worksheets to Spanish as well as the group script as they allowed me to be all inclusive and allow individuals to connect and form relationships.
Cognitive Processes Used: Several cognitive processes were used throughout this competency. Identifying areas where diversity and inclusion could be increased and illustrating how that could be increased through a paper or translated worksheets. Additionally, applying the topics learned about during the semester to my future career and assessing and categorizing different parent night topics with speakers.
Affective Processes Used: While completing this competency, affective processes were present such as creating and contributing to the group script. Additionally, integrating Spanish into my in-class lessons and worksheets to provide multi-cultural inclusion and searching and examining different speakers in regard to topics they might be competent in presenting on.
Theoretical Foundation: Prosocial Behavior: this theory discusses how sometimes we as humans help others with no expectation or need for a reward. When working to increase diversity, and inclusion in practice, this theory applies to me and the work I do because I help others out of the goodness of my heart without needing anything in return. While this selflessness is a strength, it can also be taken advantage of in some situations. It is important to continue with prosocial behavior while incorporating appropriate boundaries to ensure that I am able to continue helping others without being taken advantage of.