BreeAn Adams

Social Work Portfolio

Competency 4

Engage in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed Practice

As a social worker, I recognize the importance of research and how it impacts my interactions with clients as well as selection of intervention methods. Research is ever changing and improving which brings greater importance to the participation in new research and the review of current research. Utilizing research will help improve the quality of care I am able to provide to those I interact with.


4.1 Critically review current research on evidence-based and contemporary best practices to improve practice, policy, and programs.

Course Evidence: During my School Social Work Emphasis I class, I got the opportunity to select a law/act that impacts education and research to learn more about the policy and its implications with students. I chose to address the Every Student Succeeds Act. To view the presentation that I created for this assignment, click here.

Field Evidence: During my practicum experience, I got the opportunity to do some research on mental health in school aged children and some intervention strategies that are evidence-based for school use. These findings were compiled and written in a paper to be used for the purposes of submitting a proposal to the Georgia Cumberland Conference on adding mental health professionals to the smaller Seventh-day Adventist schools. This paper is currently being worked on and will be uploaded upon completion.


4.2: Conduct and disseminate research that responds to social work practice needs and uses ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies to advance the purposes of social work.

Couse Evidence: During my School Social Work Core Concepts class, I got the opportunity to select a major educational diagnosis, do research on that diagnosis, and discuss how that diagnosis impacts a student within their education. Additionally, I was able to research and present interventions that are culturally informed and share the potential outcomes that those intervention methods have been proven to have. I selected Autism for my educational diagnosis and explored different avenues of the impact of Autism within my Exceptional Students/Special Education Paper. To read the completed paper, click here.

Field Evidence: As a part of my practicum, I was able to give out the CASEL assessment to the 6th-8th graders at Standifer Gap SDA School in September, January, and again in May. To acquire additional information, I invited 4 other smaller Seventh-day Adventist schools in the area to have their middle school students complete the assessment as well. This allowed me to broaden my data and add this in my advocacy efforts to add school social work professionals to smaller Seventh-day Adventist school. To view the parent consent letter that was sent home with students, click here. The results from the additional data have not been received yet but will be uploaded upon completion.

Skills Used: The skills used through this competency are collaboration, time management, documentation, communication and leadership.

Knowledge Used: Knowledge drawn from courses such as School Social Work Emphasis I and School Social Work Core Concepts were utilized when completing this competency. Additionally, knowledge on how research works and the proper ways to conduct research, mental health, evidence-based interventions within the school system, and different laws, policies, or practices that impact practice within the school were also valuable when completing this competency.

Values Present: Integrity was a important value seen through this competency through the research aspects to ensure that the research was being conducted and recorded ethically. Additionally, the value of social justice was present as the different evidences were conducted with a goal of improving services and intervention methods for students.

Cognitive Processes Used: Knowledge in research procedures as well as laws and policies were present in this competency as well as reporting, developing, and surveying. Comparing and documenting were also cognitive processes that were used throughout this competency.

Affective Processes Used: Clarifying, searching, reviewing, and integrating are some of the affective processes that were used through completing this competency.

Theoretical Foundation: Source Credibility: This theory discusses who we, as humans, are most likely to believe. Those that hold credibility, are seen as trustworthy, and an expert and competent in their field are most likely to be believed. When doing research, it is important to only use credible sources and sources that prove to have expertise in the field you are researching. As a social worker, this draws on our evidence-based practice strategies and our value of integrity and competence.

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