Engage in Policy Practice

Policy practice is important in the social work field because policies have an impact on the ability to promote equality and justice for all. Additionally, policies have the ability to limit social workers distribution of services. To engage in policy practice I will analyze, formulate, and advocate for those who need advancement in their dimensions of well-being. I will utilize resources such as colleagues and organizations to promote policy action. 


5a: Advocate with and inform stakeholders to impact policy change.

Academic Evidence: In the Mental Health Practice in Social Work: Evolving Perspectives and Advanced Contemporary Practice course, I researched and advocated for the Post- COVID- Telehealth Act of 2021. In my Mental Health Policy Analysis and Advocacy Letter paper I summarized (cognitive level: comprehension) the Post- COVID- Telehealth Act of 2021 and its benefits on mental health. I additionally wrote a letter to the districts representative and justified (cognitive level: evaluation) the urgent need for aiding Americans in need of accessible mental health treatment services. This assignment helped me better understand the importance of contacting legislation to advocate for clients. I demonstrated the NASW values of social justice, dignity and worth of a person, and competence.

Field Evidence: During my time at the City of Refuge, a faith-based non-profit organization, I was asked to complete employee and volunteer documentation. After reading through and signing the documents, I felt a discomfort with the organization’s current policies. I consulted with my field supervisors who assisted in advocating for the policies to be changed to represent the current population at the City of Refuge. After advocating for the policies to be changed, stakeholders were informed. This is described in detail in my Sonia Monthly Field Journal for January. This experience reminded me of the importance of speaking up when feelings of discomfort arise as advocacy is a critical component of social work. I demonstrated the NASW Codes of Ethics values of social justice, dignity and worth of a person, and integrity. 

5b: Develop and implement a policy and/or advocacy plan.

Academic Evidence: In Advanced Administrative Practice: Administrative and Leadership Skills, I collaborated with my group to design a non-profit organization called RISE which is an independent living program. During this process we presented the RISE Organizational Proposal Plan which reflected the development and implementation of organizational policies. These evidence-based policies include a whistleblower, conflict of interest, and grievance policy. This assignment helped me better understand the importance of policies as they provide guidance, consistency, accountability, efficiency, and clarity on organizational operation.

Field Evidence: During my time at the City of Refuge, I created (cognitive level: synthesis) a Non-Discriminatory Policy for the organization. This policy has the ability to create an inclusive environment for any client, staff person, volunteer, or guest at the City of Refuge. This project reminded me of the importance of policy practice in organizations and how they facilitate desired outcomes.  In creating this policy, I demonstrated the NASW values of dignity and worth of a person, integrity, and competence.