COMPETENCY 8- Intervention

Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

 Intervention is an ongoing component of social work. To demonstrate this skill, I will utilize research and theoretical frameworks to apply evidence-based interventions that increase the well-being of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities. Additionally, I will use collaboration with my clients and other professionals to achieve successful outcomes when intervening.


8a: Implement clinical evidence-based interventions with individuals, families, and/or groups.

Academic Evidence: In the course Advanced Clinical Practice II, I professionally (psychomotor level: naturalization) facilitated a Therapeutic Anxiety Group via telehealth. I implemented clinical evidence- based practices with the purpose of assisting clients with understanding and managing their anxiety by identifying our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. This was completed through emotional check in’s, exercises,  group rounds, and the implementation of Yolam’s curative factors . I demonstrated the NASW values of competence, the importance of human relationships, and the dignity and worth of the person.

Field Evidence: Assisting with the City Lights youth group, I demonstrated the ability to coordinate (psychomotor level: articulation) and implement clinical evidence-based interventions with individuals, groups, and families. Each month of the City Lights youth group focused on one of the eight domains of wellness by utilizing the Monthly Wellness Plan. For the month of March 2021, the youth group focused on emotional wellness. During the month, I educated the youth on feelings, emotions, self-care and mindfulness using the Emotional Wellness Agendas. I conducted each group professionally utilizing knowledge from course materials and lectures.  I effectively demonstrated group therapy skills, including addressing challenges within the group and incorporating Yalom’s curative factors. I demonstrated the NASW values of competence, the importance of human relationships, and the dignity and worth of the person.

Other Evidence: I additionally demonstrate my ability to implement clinical evidence based interventions with individuals, groups, and families such as clarifying the purpose of the group/ session , appropriately introducing the exercise, demonstrating the use of rounds, validating participant responses, drawing members out, maintaining group focus, educating on automatic thoughts, recognizing distorted thinking, and utilizing evidence questions.  This is outlined in my Sonia Monthly Field Journal for March

8b: Integrate macro-level evidence-based strategies with organizations and/or communities.

Academic Evidence: In the course, Advanced Administrative Practice: Administrative and Leadership Skills, my colleagues and I created an Organizational Proposal Plan. Using literature that encompasses the importance of Independent Living Programs (ILP), our group created a comprehensive plan to implement a unique organization, RISE,  that will serve the community in Chattanooga, TN. As a group, we  gained knowledge of local community resources and how they may benefit our program.   The proposal highlights the NASW social work values of social justice and the importance of human relationships. 

Field Evidence: During my time at the City of Refuge, several programs were being developed and implemented. I collaborated with my colleagues on creating an Uphill Wellness and Workforce Development Program Proposal Plan for City of Refuge’s new program. This program proposal plan utilizes statistics and research to identify and address the community needs. It additionally outlines the program design, objectives, and funding needs. I demonstrated the NASW values of service and social justice.