Competency 1

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Competency 1: Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.

Introduction: As a professional social worker, I strive to execute my work with professionalism and a high ethical standard. I am a lifelong learner who will use the educational opportunities around me, both formal and experiential, to constantly improve my professional knowledge and how I provide services to my clients and organization.


1.1 – Develop a practice framework for analysis of complex environments, that is ethical, value-grounded, and evidenced-based

Course Evidence: For SOCW 617 – Group Psychotherapy, I worked with a team of classmates to create a script demonstrating our knowledge of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Social Learning Theory. The SOCW 617 Script demonstrated how individuals learn new skills by mimicking the behaviors of others. Our mock session script utilized CBT and DBT principles and activities to assist teenage boys with understanding their behaviors and feelings. The group learned from one another under the supervision and guidance of the pseudo-therapist, played by myself.  We demonstrated ethical behavior by beginning the session with an explanation of confidentiality. We used the value of the importance of human relationships as a driving force for the formation of this group.

Field Evidence: I helped establish a plan for compiling evidence for our review by the Council on Accreditation. I reviewed all COA competencies for our program and used TEAMS to compile documentation for each competency.


1.2 – Implement supervisory and self-care strategies that integrate professional strengths, limitations, and challenges

Course Evidence: I used social work knowledge of self-care to create a Self-Care & Vicarious Trauma Presentation for Crisis and Emergency Management in the Winter semester. I shared the presentation with my supervisor at my practicum as a teaching tool for my coworkers. I used written and oral communication skills to create this presentation.

Field Evidence: In my practicum, I use social work skill of setting professional boundaries to maintain professionalism and as a means of self-care. When I am not on-call, I kept my work phone turned off and safely placed in my work bag. My clients understood that I would eagerly help them with anything they require during work hours. I also utilized social work values of integrity and competence by meeting with my supervisor on a regular basis for constructive criticism and future planning. I demonstrated integrity by honoring my work hours and maintaining a list of all my work activities at home and in the office. I work from home on Mondays and occasionally had additional work from home days to facilitate my self-care. I developed a Self Care Plan to help me through my degree program. Time is a limitation and challenge for implementing this plan. In order to provide adequate time in my schedule for acting on my self-care plan, I requested to work fewer hours during the school semester.


1.3 – Exhibit commitment to professional growth through continuing education, supervision, and ongoing consultation

Field Evidence: As a lover of learning, I took every opportunity to attend training during my practicum. I attended various training sessions during my internships including Housing First Partners Conference, Trust-Based Relational Intervention training, and CPR/ Stop the Bleed training.

Training Attendance Jan to Jun 2024 Signed

HFPC 2024 Certificate of Attendance

CPR E Card


1.4 – Demonstrate professional oral and written communication skills

Course Evidence: For SOCW 618: Advanced Administrative Practice: Administration and Leadership, I used the cognitive process of synthesis and the affective process of organization to create various marketing materials to raise awareness for the organization we created for the course. I used professional written communication skills and oral communication with my teammates to design the marketing materials. See pages 76 to 82 of New Organization Proposal.

Field Evidence: For my practicum, I created and manage an Instagram page for the YHDP program. I create posts to promote group activities and raise awareness about the YHDP program. I use professional written communication to provide up to date posts for the program. I also created a pamphlet to help promote the YHDP program. I regularly distribute pamphlets to stakeholders such as volunteers, landlords, clients, and other non-profits.