Competency 4

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Competency 4: Engage in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed Practice.

Introduction: As a professional social worker, I will abide by the NASW Code of Ethics when undergoing and implementing research practices. I will critically review information and seek to utilize evidence-based practices in my work with individuals, communities, and organizations. I will utilize relevant, ethical research to guide my social work practice and establish better means of advancing the purposes of social work. I will uphold a posture of continuous learning and implement practice-informed research such as changing organizational policies to better fit the needs of my client into my work in the field.


4.1 – Critically review current research on evidence based and contemporary best practices to improve practice, policy, and programs.

Field Evidence: For my special project, I reviewed research and best practices for organizations with similar programs. I reviewed literature and considered how YHDP’s practices aligned with recommendations from others. Through this process, I realized that we did not have strong enough requirements for program participants or a clear progression standard for clients. I evaluated better ways to structure our program, applied my knowledge, and created new program policies that required clients to participate in life skills trainings and to obtain employment. 

Additional Evidence (Course): SOCW 618 FPCN Organization Proposal (pages 42 – 52)


4.2 – Conduct and disseminate research that responds to social work practice needs and uses ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies to advance the purposes of social work.

Course Evidence: For SOCW 618, my team created a video (Foster Parent Care Network Video) outlining the organization we created and how it met the needs of the community. The video discusses some research and information we gathered to prepare this organization. We used social work knowledge of collecting data and researching information in preparation for creating this presentation. We used the social work skills of advocacy and values of the dignity and worth of the person in our presentation.

Field Evidence: After conducting a survey of all YHDP clients, I used the cognitive process of analyzing and evaluating to review the results. I also used my research and organizational skills to collect the information. I led a staff meeting to review the results and discuss areas of improvement for each of the Case Manager’s clients. Prior to the staff meeting, I sent out Life Skills Survey Feedback with a summary of results from the survey. During the meeting, I reviewed the areas where each of their clients needed the most improvement in their life skills. I asked the Case Managers for feedback on ways they thought the clients could individually improve their skills. I used the affective process of listening and receiving to gain insight into the thoughts and feelings of the Case Managers. I also proposed other opportunities for improving skills such as adding more life skills classes, handing out pamphlets and resources, and meeting one-on-one with clients. The survey utilized the Social Exchange Theory. Clients participated in the survey because they believed the information would be used to help benefit them in the future and provided feedback about our program.