
About Me

Hi, welcome to my MSW Portfolio. My name is Jennifer Hicks, and I currently reside in Dalton, Georgia. I graduated with a BA in Social Services from Belhaven University in 2020. I graduated from Southern Adventist University in December 2022 with an MSW degree. Over the past few years, through employment and field settings, I have gained experience working in the field of addiction by facilitating psychoeducational groups, conducting assessments, and providing counseling. Additionally, I have gained experience working with families to assist with family unification by providing educational and support groups, counseling, parenting aid, and behavior aid services. I am looking forward to continuing my career as a social worker.


Mission Statement

I am inspired personally and professionally to provide the best quality of care to those that suffer from the disease of addiction, mental health issues, and crisis situations.  I feel that through my own strength and experience, I have much to offer, and those experiences can best be applied within my field of study. I am dedicated and committed to treating each person with dignity and worth and ensuring that identified goals are ascertainable.”


“In my early professional years I was asking the question: How can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth?”

-Carl Rogers

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