3. Justice

Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

As a competent social worker, I understand that not everyone has access to the same fundamental rights as others. I am committed to creating change to increase access to fundamental human rights throughout my social work career. I will design and implement social action strategies that promote social work values, striving to create positive change within the community and field. I will continuously try to uplift my clients’ sense of value and self-worth while advocating for my clients. I am committed to expanding my knowledge regarding theories of human needs and social justice. I will embrace strategies to promote social and economic justice and advocate for human rights.

Evidence of Practice

While attending Southern Adventist University and studying for my MSW, I engaged in a variety of activities that helped me to develop and master this competency.

3.1 – Demonstrate leadership in advocating for human rights, social, economic, and environmental justice  

Course Evidence: During Advanced Policy, I collaborated on a group project to amend a law in Tennessee. One of the assignments involved developing a coalition to include logic partners and “odd bedfellows”. I used leadership skills to apply the information to the discussion questions for the group. Additionally, learning and researching the information to understand potential supporters. The coalition was created to help gain support to amend the law and included legislators and non-legislators across Tennessee. You can view the  assignment here.

3.2 – Design and implement social action strategies

Field Evidence: During my Advanced year Practicum, I received a special project request from the organization’s director. I designed, created, and implemented a course for adolescents with substance abuse. The course is seven weeks and is held weekly. During the first session, the client will complete the CRAFFT 2.1+N. Each class involves reading from AA/NA-approved literature and incorporating educational material from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration). Also, providing material based on the MATRIX program. The program’s overall purpose is to help adolescents recover from substance abuse and provide educational material. You can view the PowerPoint on triggers and thought stopping techniques here.

Additional Evidence: In my Advanced Social Policy class, I was assigned to a cohort to create a mock Comprehensive Policy and Advocacy Action Plan. My group chose to complete the assignment to amend Tennessee’s HB1029/SB1257 Human Life Protection Act. The policy was a trigger law that went into effect once the Roe v. Wade ruling was overturned. The amendment my group was proposing was to allow abortions up to the 8th week after conception and to allow abortions in the case of medical emergencies. The medical emergencies would include ectopic pregnancies, severe embryo deformities, and instances of life-saving measures. Included in the medical emergency amendment was physician advocacy. The advocacy of the amendment aimed at the protection of physicians that perform abortions deemed as medical emergencies and protection for the mother. The assignment was completed over the course of the semester and included researching the current policy and issues within the current policy, forming a coalition of potential supports, creating a brand, creating a media plan, and developing an advocacy plan for the campaign. As a group member, I had a part to complete within every section, including research, creating a coalition, developing a policy, and writing the final proposal. (will be provided before December 7th)


Social work knowledge used: I used the knowledge I gained through research, application, and social welfare for this competence. I used applied empowerment for different populations and incorporated health wellness.

Social Work values present: During these tasks, I had to implement social work values of service and social justice. I had to focus on serving my community and presenting the social issue on a community level.

Social work skills presented: I used my skills to communicate, research, and apply the researched information.

Cognitive processes: This competency’s evidences incorporated multiple cognitive processes, with the highest level being synthesis.

Affective processes: For these tasks, the affective process I used was valuing by demonstrating my involvement.

Theoretical foundation: Systems Theory. This theory involves the influence of social structures on elements of behavior, thoughts, and actions. Applying Systems Theory to the Adolescents Substance  course allows me to reflect on a client’s conditions and environmental factors to gain a better understanding of why they face issues or hardships.


“You will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated.” 

-Maya Angelou