Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
As a competent social worker, I understand that assessments are an ongoing component and interactive process of social work practice within micro, mezzo, and macro clients. Understanding theories of human behavior and the social environment is essential to evaluate and apply to the assessments of all clients within micro, mezzo, and macro settings. I understand the use of assessments to help assist clients from all walks of life. I will continuously be aware of personal experiences and affective reactions that may affect clients’ assessment and decision-making.
Evidence of Practice
While attending Southern Adventist University and studying for my MSW, I engaged in various activities that helped me develop and master this competency.
7.1 – Formulate comprehensive assessments, using a variety of diagnostic classification systems
Course Evidence: In the Psychopathology Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis course, I watched lectures, read information from the DSM-5, and completed an assignment regarding assessment, diagnosis, and formulation. This assignment allowed me to learn from two formats and gain experience practicing. You can view my documentation on using the suicide risk assessment with multiple clients here.
Field Evidence: While providing in-home services to clients assigned from Compassion House, I would use pre-existing assessments with each client participating in Parenting Course. The assessments are a tool that formulates a parenting profile. The parenting profile provides information and data regarding each parenting competency and how the parent/guardian scored. The scores indicate areas in which the parent/guardian is knowledgeable and the areas in which the parent/guardian could improve their understanding. As a provider, the scores informed me about certain competencies I needed to provide more in-depth information and focus on specific sections to help the parent/guardian have a more in-depth understanding. The assessments were provided to the client pre and post, which allows the client and provider to view how the client increased in each competency after completing the course work. You can view a blank form here.
7.2 – Design and implement organizational and/or community assessments
Course Evidence: In Advanced Administrative Practice, we were assigned to a cohort to develop a Needs Assessment and Program Proposal. When creating the Needs Assessment portion, we were asked to pick a social issue. My group chose teenage pregnancy. We developed two research questions from the topic to understand the needs of pregnant teenagers to improve their quality of life and graduate high school. One of the sections I created was an assessment to administer to adolescents as part of a group assignment. To develop the survey, I needed to understand what questions needed to be in the survey by using the skills learned from the CITI training to conduct research. Additionally, as a group, we used our understanding of systems and the social environment to understand contributing factors in the teens’ lives. This course assignment allowed me to design an evaluation to be used for a needs assessment and program proposal plan. You can view a copy of the Nurturing, Educating, and Serving Pregnant Teens: A Program Proposal here. The survey is Appendix E on pages 54-57.
Field Evidence: During my practicum, I created a seven-week substance abuse course for adolescents. While developing the course, I reviewed literature for multiple assessments and decided to administer the CRAFFT screening tool. The CRAFFT is a series of 6 questions developed to screen adolescents for high-risk alcohol and other drug use disorders simultaneously. The results produce percentages of being diagnosed with substance abuse using the DSM-5. The screening tool is to be administered during the 1st session. You can view a blank CRAFFT form here.
Social work knowledge used: I implemented the knowledge I learned through the CITI training and applied it to research.
Social Work values present: Competence, the importance of human relationships, and service were presented through the use of assessments and surveys.
Social work skills presented: I utilized the skills of communication, listening, summarizing, and outreach.
Cognitive processes: For this competency, the cognitive process level I used was synthesis. I was able to retain information and incorporate it into practice.
Affective processes: For these tasks, the affective process I used was valuing by showing involvement and commitment.
Theoretical foundation: Social Exchange Theory is demonstrated through this competency. The theory is presented when working with in-home clients and creating the Needs Assessment Plan.
“Life is made of ever so many partings welded together.”
-Charles Dickens