Hello! My name is Laura Gibbs and I am currently pursuing my Master of Social Work at Southern Adventist University. I am driven by a passion for using a strengths-based perspective to empower individuals and communities to reach their goals. I have experience in engaging with residents in inpatient settings, providing childcare and observing nonprofit administration firsthand while volunteering at an orphanage in Bolivia, and completing internships with the Austin Hatcher Foundation and CASA of Bradley and Polk Counties. Most recently, I interned with Youth Villages in Chattanooga as part of the Intercept program, which provides intensive in-home services designed to prevent children from entering foster care and to reunify families when out-of-home care has been necessary. I am looking forward to working as a clinical social worker with the Winchester Community Mental Health Center beginning in September. When I’m not pursuing learning activities to master social work competencies, you might be able to find me playing a board game or listening to music.
My mission is to work alongside individuals and families in a clinical setting; building and strengthening relationships to empower them to achieve their goals.
See my résumé here