Competency 4: Research

Engage in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed Practice

Moving into the advanced practitioner role, it is vital for social workers to follow research-informed practice with every client. By following practices and interventions that are supported by research, we are following the NASW’s Code of Ethics by being competent, maintaining integrity, and providing applicable services to clients. As I move into this role, I will work to maintain my role in research to be able to provide the best resources for my clients.

4.1 – Engage in a review of contemporary best practices

Course Evidence: During my summer session courses, which focused on trauma and emergency management, a classmate and I were able to work on a research paper that reviewed a natural disaster and critique what was or was not done. The disaster that we chose to research was Hurricane Michael which hit the East Coast of the United States in October 2018. One of the main sections that I worked on for the project was researching best practices related to hurricane response, mitigation, and recovery. To read the paper, please click here.

4.2 – Conduct research that responds to social work practice needs

Field Evidence: During my time with Hamilton County Commissions Office, Commissioner Geter and I created and sent out a survey to Hamilton County to see if constituents of our county feel that we can do more to help promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. The survey was translated into three languages so that it would be accessible to as many people groups as possible. Questions included areas in which the county faced the most issues as well as issues that constituents were interested in seeing addressed at the county level. Please click the following link to see the survey: and click here to see the flyer: 4.2 Field – Diversity Taskforce Survey Flyer