Future Plans

Samir Khalil holding a 6-foot fire poker he made

Self Care Philosophy 

As a social work student for the past five years, I learned the importance of incorporating self-care into my entire being. I quickly learned that each person needs to have their own personalized form and style of self-care. For myself, I learned that my biggest and most reliable form of self-care has come from blacksmithing. I also learned that it is important to be very intentional and plan self-care into your schedule or else the potential for it to be swept under the rug is very possible.

1 Year Plan

My one-year plan is to gain experience here in the United States specifically in the field of emergency planning and disaster response. Within Hamilton County, there are several organizations that offer these types of experiences and I feel that the hands-on approach of these agencies would benefit me long-term as my plans shift to international work. For example, the Hamilton County Emergency Management & Homeland Security Agency (EMHSA) works on “disaster preparedness and public safety related emergency management activities … to serve and protect the public.” In this capacity, I will be able engage in micro, mezzo, and macro work.

5 Year Plan

Looking forward five years, my plan is to be working internationally with a non-profit humanitarian organization focused on assisting countries overseas with disaster planning, response, and recovery efforts. For example, I plan on working with Direct Relief International, World Vision, or All Hands Volunteers in helping coordinate disaster response teams as a project manager. With all these organizations, a key element is being able to be flexible and adaptable with the resources that you have in order to help as many people as you can successfully.

10 Year Plan

By the ten-year mark, my plans continue to focus on the international realm but are focused on more policy and global work. Looking ahead, I would like to work with the United Nations specifically working with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In this area of work, I want to work on policies to make sure that refugees are protected at all levels of their journey; from the time they enter into a refugee camp, till the time they are able to be resettled. For example, the Dadaab Refugee Complex.