Competency 4: Engage in Practice-Informed Research and Research-Informed Practice

As a social worker, part of my role is to produce research-informed practice. As a result of this role, I seek to observe the standards of researchers and use reliable sources of information to help the population I serve. I will engage in quantitative and qualitative research methods when necessary and seek to understand the true issues that the individuals, groups, or systems that I work within or with are facing. I have demonstrated the following practice behavior through academic  and practicum.

For competency 4 social workers have to engage in practice-informed research and research informed practice. The knowledge used throughout the competency includes searching for peer-reviewed articles related to interventions being implemented in the social emotional learning groups. The value presented throughout the competency is competence in order to develop and enhance professional expertise.

During the field practicum, while engaging in the Permission to Feel Book Club Dr. Brackett references authored scholarly articles reference in his work that was conducted over the course of the development of the RULER model. I used critical thinking and problem solving to apply how emotional regulation can be implemented as I created the 8-week curriculum for Goal Academy (4.1).

For my coursework, our team created a literature review which includes an evidence-based approach that has shown success in the treatment of people who are homeless namely called the Housing First Model (4.1).

During the field practicum I conducted research by receiving feedback from students on how to improve social emotional learning psycho educational groups via pre and post test survey (4.2). The affective process demonstrated in this practice behavior is valuing the input from clients. Using the cognitive model, I gathered students input to better understand the activities presented in group therapy from the participates perspective. Theoretically, the cognitive model theory asserts that people’s perceptions of situations influence their emotional and behavioral reactions. Distorted beliefs influence their processing of information and give rise to distorted thoughts. Thus, in receiving feedback from students on how to improve social emotional learning psycho educational groups via pre and post survey: it ensures that I am being effective in teaching anger management skills to clients. During the coursework, our team created an interview guide and survey related to the Housing Insecurity and Mental Illness in Hamilton County research paper (4.2).