

Welcome to my social work portfolio! My name is Adam Turner and I am currently a candidate in the MSW Advanced Standing program at Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, Tennessee. In May of 2019, I graduated with a Bachelor’s in Social Work at Oakwood University in Huntsville, Alabama. Throughout my academic career of being a social work student, I have completed internships where I have gained skills in client assessment, evaluations, and case management. My future career goal is to work in the field of healthcare social work and assist clients who are struggling with mental health.


Mission Statement 

As a professional social worker, it is my goal to meet the needs of individuals, families, groups, and communities to make the world a better place.



Before I chose to enter the field of social work, at the beginning of college, I was a psychology major. The reason that I had chosen psychology as my major was because I wanted to go into the field of Family & Marriage therapy. However, after re-evaluating my career choices my for post-undergraduate life, I had decided that it would be best for me to change my major to social work. The reason that I chosen to change my major to social work was mainly due to the number of career choices that I could choose. While in social work department, I was able to take on many leadership and volunteer opportunities such as being Parliamentarian for the Social Work Club and being Chaplain of the Phi Alpha Honor Society. I was also involved with helping raising money for UNICEF and taking trips to the core of the city to help feed the homeless. In May of 2019, I graduated from Oakwood University with a Bachelor’s in Social Work. While at Oakwood University matriculating through the social work program, I had the opportunity of working a dual internship between the Catholic Center of Concern and the Oakwood University Church. While working at these field placements, I had the opportunity of interacting with different populations of people including children of divorced parents, those who struggled with abusing substances, and those struggling with poverty. After I finish the MSW program, I plan to work in mental health and to assist those who are feeling lost and hopeless due to their mental health struggles.