
1 Year  

Within one year,  I plan to officially have my Master’s in Social Work (MSW) with a concentration in Mental Health Practice. Also, I plan to attain my LMSW (Licensed Master Social Worker) license to demonstrate my knowledge of social work values and ethics. After receiving my license, I plan to be working in either a hospital or a mental health facility.


5 years

Within five years,  I plan to have my  LCSW license and be certified in other types of other therapeutic interventions such as Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). Also within this time frame, I plan to work for a federal government facility such as the Veterans Administration or the Department of Defense (DoD).


10 years

Within ten years, I plan to be much more advanced as a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW).  I plan to continue working in federal government facilities and possibly have another master’s degree such as one in either Business or Public Administration to build upon the foundation of my current social work knowledge.


Self-care is very important for social workers and very conducive to mental health. A major part of my self-care is completing exercise at least about four to five times a week. My form of exercise is mainly lifting weights. Exercise is very important for social workers and helps to relieve the stress that often times come along with the job. Another part of my self-care is getting a decent amount of sleep each evening in so that I will be able to function for the next day. I also take walks out in nature to get fresh air and sunlight.

Another part of my self-care is also spiritual. I do my best to make sure that I can stay in tune with God. I do this through prayer and spending time with devotionals and reading the Bible. Outside of myself, I spend time with friends who share the same religious beliefs that I do and have Bible study with them. This has helped in shaping my growth not only as a social worker but as a Christian social worker.

Area of Social Work Interest

The area of social work that I am very interested in working in is medical social work. And the main population that I would like to work with in medical social work is the adult population. The main reason why I would like to go into this field of social work is so that I can be a part of the solution to America’s current healthcare system crisis.

Micro and Macro Theories in Medical Social Work

  • One theory that is applied from a macro perspective in medical social work is systems theory. Systems theory is about different systems, both natural and man-made, are involved in how events take place and affect other systems.
  • The way that systems theory is involved in medical social work is that the hospitals themselves are all a part of what we would call the healthcare system. This specific type of system plays a major role in how people across the United States can access the proper healthcare care services.
  • Another theory that is implemented in medical social work at the micro level is person in the environment (PIE). In medical social work, this may involve the social worker completing assessments and evaluations about client’s background, income, family, and health history to help the client to be able to access other necessary resources.

Most Common Interventions

  • One common intervention that is often used with adults in a medical environment at the micro level is the crisis intervention model. The crisis intervention model involves the social worker helping their clients through moments of crisis after an even happens.
  • Another micro intervention that is involved in the process of medical social work is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. This involves assessing and evaluating the need for self-actualization, esteem, physiological, love and belonging, and safety.
  • An intervention that is applied at the macro level in medical social work is community organizing and fundraising. This could be applied by having food drives to raise money to be able to take care of the patients and their need for transportation, food, and clothing.
  • Another macro level intervention that can be applied with medical social work is evaluating the services and programs at the hospital. Each community has its own specific needs as it relates to the patients at the hospital. For instance, this may involve the affordability of the medication for the patients at the hospital.

Main Social Issues

  • One of the major issues surrounding the adult population in medical social work is the current COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, hospitals are running out of patient beds due to the number of rising cases in the United States.
  • Another social issue within medical social work as it relates to medical social work is the effects of the pandemic on patient’s mental health. Ever since March 2020, there has been a major death toll in terms of the amount of deaths that have taken place.
  • Many patients still struggle with being able to afford access to proper healthcare. As of right now, healthcare is only available to those who are employed.
  • Also, many patients do not discuss with with their family about caring for them towards the end of life. And if the patient is someone with COVID-19, the family is not able to come in and speak with the patient about a plan for the end of their lives.

What are the main policies addressing issues for this population/ area of interest?

  • Currently, many healthcare companies are creating policies that are making it more difficult for patients to be able to use their insurance to help them pay for any necessary medical procedures or treatments that they may need.
  • Also, having healthcare insurance is often linked to employment. This makes it difficult for those who are unemployed to be able to access the proper healthcare treatment for themselves and their families.
  • High healthcare costs set by policymakers are preventing many people from being able to afford the medicine that they may need.

What are the main family, neighborhood, and environmental dynamics for this population?

  • Also, housing, employment, education, and food services plays a role in the healthcare of patients. If a patient has access to proper housing and food, there will be less of a need for them to visit a hospital.
  • Many people who live in low-income housing have a hard time being able to afford any medical treatment or medicine. They also may not be able to purchase healthier foods for themselves.
  • Many schools that are in low-income areas do not have access to on-staff nurses to check on the medical needs of their students. Having a school nurse may be the only time where a student may access to anyone within the medical profession.

What are the main milestones for this population?

  1. One of the major milestones for adult population as it relates to medical social work is that COVID-19 has pushed social workers to the forefront.
  2. Hospitals are also becoming more aware of how social workers can aid and play a role in the interdisciplinary team.
  3. Social workers in general are becoming more aware of how global events affect the profession and social work practice as shown by the current COVID-19 pandemic.
  4. Many social services agencies, including mental health hospitals, are beginning offer more tele-therapy services to their clients.

My Ethical Decision-Making Model

Part of my ethical decision-making model will be the NASW Code of Ethics. This is the ethical guide that all social workers must abide by regardless of the agency that they work in. whether its child welfare, government, school, or medical social work. The other part will be the PLUS Ethical Decision-Making Model. The reason that I mentioned the both of these ethical decision-making models is that ethical decision making shouldn’t always come from one single source.

How will my ethical decision-making model be implemented?

  • P – Policies and Procedures:
    Is the decision in line with the policies laid out by the company?
  • L – Legal:
    Will this violate any legal parameters or regulations?
  • U – Universal:
    How does this relate to the values and principles established for the organization to operate? Is it in tune with core values and the company culture?
  • S – Self:
    Does it meet my standards of fairness and justice? This particular lens fits well with the virtue approach that is a part of the five common standards mentioned above?

What are the most common dilemmas in this area of practice?

  1. Always having the demand for resources than the actual supply for resources.
  2. Another dilemma is wanting to provide but may not have the necessary tools or resources to help.
  3. Explaining social work more than doing it. Currently, there are still negative stereotypes about social workers, even within hospitals. Many times, social workers are still stereotyped as “baby snatchers”.
  4. Finally, another dilemma in medical social work is helping other employees understand that advocating for their patients is not a bad thing.