Self-Care Plan

Physical Health

            To care for my physical health, I will exercise at least 4 times a week for 30 minutes at a time. During those 30 minutes I will either be jogging, jogging/walking, or briskly walking. In addition, I will do stretching exercises at least 5 times a week, and weight-bearing exercises 3 times a week. I will also ensure that that I get at least 8 hours of sleep a night for 5 nights/week, in order to be well rested and ready for the challenges in the new day.

Social Health

            To ensure that I am giving adequate attention to my social needs, I will reach out to church friends that I am seeking to care for at least once a week.  The social interaction will be good for both of us.  In addition, I will call my mother once a week, and call a friend once a week, as well.  I will also give myself at least 10 minutes per day to debrief my day with my husband so that I have an outlet for letting out some of the pent-up tension of the day in broad terms without sharing anything confidential. He is my best friend, so that relationship is very important.

Emotional/Mental Health

            In order to care for my emotional and mental health, I will practice an evaluation strategy in which I ask myself whether the thing that is causing me stress and anxiety is actually a problem or simply something that I think may be a problem.  After that, I will assess whether it is anything that I can fix, and fix it, if possible.  If it isn’t, then I will write the problem on a piece of paper and burn the paper, symbolically illustrating that that problem cannot be something I worry about further as I can’t help the process anyway. I will also seek to surround myself with encouraging, uplifting individuals when stress is greatest to alleviate some stress.