COMPETENCY 7- Assessment

Assess with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities

As an advanced autonomous social worker, I understand that assessing individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities is an important component of social work. To demonstrate this skill, I will collect, organize, and use critical thinking to analyze information. I will use the information to collaborate with the client in order to implement appropriate evidence- based interventions and resources.


7a: Formulate comprehensive assessments, using a variety of diagnostic classification systems.

Academic Evidence: In the course Clinical Assessment and Diagnostic II, I formulated a comprehensive assessment using the DSM-5 and literature. Creating (cognitive level: synthesis) a Case Conceptualization allowed me to asses and gain an understanding of the client’s presenting problems and factors associated with the Adjustment Disorder. I was able to use research to identify evidence-based practices and provide treatment recommendations based on my assessment. This assignment helped me better understand the importance of formulating comprehensive assessments to implement appropriate interventions.

Field Evidence: During my time at the City of Refuge, I demonstrated my ability to formulate comprehensive assessments using a variety of diagnostic classification systems with the City Lights Youth Group. I completed this by creating (cognitive level: synthesis a Wellness Pre and Post Test. I additionally used assessments such as the Wellness Assessment to assess City Lights youth participants’ wellness. This helped me better understand the importance of assessments and the need to create/utilize tools which gather information to determine needs for intervention.

Other Evidence: During my time at the City of Refuge, I designed and implemented several organizational and community assessments. An assessment that was provided to group participants was a Intellectual Wellness Assessment. This Likert scale assisted with identifying how many times a week each participant participated in activities that they enjoy.

7b: Design and implement organizational and/or community assessments.

Academic Evidence: In the course, Advanced Administrative Practice: Program Development my colleagues and I completed a Needs Assessment and Program Proposal to address police brutality in Chattanooga, Tennessee. To complete the needs assessment and program proposal, research was conducted to assess the needs of the community and Chattanooga Police Department. Statistical research through the Chattanooga Open Data Portal identified racial disparities in citations, arrests, and police brutality. Using this information the Community Connect Project was designed.

Field Evidence:  During my time at the City of Refuge, I designed and implemented organizational and community assessments.  One way I achieved this was creating (cognitive level: synthesis) an October SWOT Analysis and a March SWOT Analysis to assess the newly implemented City Lights youth group in the organization. Completing these analyses allowed me to determine strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats as well as identify ways to sustain and enhance the organization. This helped me better understand the importance of assessments and the need to gather important information which assists in determining needs for intervention.