Competency 7


Assessment is an ongoing process that social workers must partake in when working with diverse populations.  Power, privilege, and personal biases are key factors that can influence the assessment process. It is important to identify the appropriate theories such as the person-in-environment theory that can help support my judgement and process when conducting an assessment and reassessing clients. I am committed to using resources such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders to support my assessment process. As an advanced generalist social worker, I will determine what assessments will be most beneficial to my clients by identifying their strengths and come up with an agreed-upon plan to progress towards their goal. 


Practice Behaviors:

7a. Formulate comprehensive assessments using a variety of diagnostic classifying systems

Course Evidence: In the course Advanced Clinical Practice: Clinical Assessment, Psychopathology, & Psychotherapeutic Skills, I completed a paper consisting of the criteria, interventions, key points, and an overview of Oppositional Defiant Disorder. In this assignment, I explained how this disorder affects an individual and helpful points to know when encountering clients with this disorder. I referred to the DSM-5 manual and a peer-reviewed article to fulfill this assignment. On page 2-3, I highlight how ODD can impact a student in an educational setting and suggest specific interventions to use on grade school students. Specifically on page 3, I discuss how the Response to Intervention framework should be used when assessing the severity of ODD in a student. 

Click here to view the Oppositional Defiant Disorder Review paper.


Field Evidence: In relation to my special project, I formulated an Intake Form to determine the needs of the students who will be participating in the support group Somos Unidos. By completing this intake form, students can inform me on the specific topics they are interested in. This form has topics such as self-esteem, anxiety, depression and a space for students to suggest their own topic of interest. This form allows me to base the group’s material on the specific needs of the students along with mental health resources. I will be referring to the DSM-5 to support the answers of students who have other concerns than the ones listed.


7b. Design and implement organizational and/or community assessments

Course Evidence: In the course Advanced Administration Practice: Program Development, my group and I collaborated on designing and implementing an interview guide to support our research question to explore the perceptions of teen pregnancy from the residents of Tunica, Mississippi. This interview guide serves as an assessment to learn more about the target population’s perceptions and a starting point for choosing the appropriate interventions. 

To view this interview guide, refer to pages 48-49.


Field Evidence: I have been heavily involved in Sources of Strength in Dalton Public Schools and Calhoun City Schools. For this upcoming school year, I have been asked to design and implement an application form to finalize the peer leaders of this group. Peer leaders are expected to have a grasp on positive mental health, show leadership in and out of the classroom, and be nominated by a staff member. To fulfill this, I designed an application so students can showcase their strengths and/or qualities that support them being a peer leader. The applications will then be assessed by myself and other Sources of Strengths advisors to finalize the group. Click the link below to view the full application. 

SOS Application



Skills Used: I used the skills, documentation, organization, communication, and  collaboration.

Knowledge Used: I relied on information from the course Advanced Clinical Practice: Clinical Assessment, Psychopathology, & Psychotherapeutic Skills, and the resources/connections the school district already had in place. 

Values Present: Importance of human relationships, service, respect, and competence. 

Cognitive Process Used: For these tasks, I identified and organized information throughout this competency.

Affective Process Used: For these tasks, I listened and managed the information to fulfill this competency. 

Theoretical Foundation Used: The Dilution Effect theory is present in this competency. This is because society tends to stereotype people based on external factors. As a social worker I strive to dig deeper and learn more about my clients to truly advocate for social justice.