Career Overview

Professional Career Overview


Personal Mission Statement: To be a practitioner who instills the belief in lasting transformation, optimism and healing in the lives of others through compassion, humor, and creativity. I believe that with a support system and a growth mindset one can overcome adversity and live their best life. 

Career Focus: I desire to work in a public school system encouraging parent involvement and providing needed support for all children to learn.

Professional Goals:

    • Complete the Building Strong Brains Tennessee Train the Trainer to become an ACE’s trainer. 
    • Complete the Lauren’s Kids: Safer, Smarter Kids body safety online training so that I will be a certified facilitator to conduct lessons. 
    • Within 1-3  years of graduation I plan to obtain certification for my LMSW and then licensure for the LCSW.
    • Within 5 years I hope to be an excellent School Social Worker in the public school system. I plan to achieve this by gaining additional work experience and skills through school-based employment and supplemental training opportunities.
    • Within 10 years I would consider becoming a Field Supervisor for an undergrad or graduate student to educate, teach, and mentor them about being a Social Worker. 

Click to view my Resume

Click to view my Cover Letter