Rachel Wood

Welcome to my Social Work Portfolio!

Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities

As a practicing social worker, I have made it my goal to effectively, genuinely, and ethically engage with all kinds of people, groups, and organizations. It is crucial for everyone to recognize the importance and need of human interaction, and it is especially necessary for me to recognize this need. Over the past year, I have utilized the research, stories, and understandings which the social work field has brought to light about the various individual differences amongst people and how these differences should be respected. I have drawn from the skills and frameworks I learned in my courses and my practicum about the appropriate ways to integrate empathy and communication with people when interacting in my work. I will always reflect on and aim to understand the ways different people are engaging with their environment, and I will use this insight to foster quality interactions with clients. As I have gained knowledge about systems theory, person in environment, and social learning theory, I will integrate knowledge gained in order to deliver quality service to all clients and put their dignity and worth as the centerpiece to the problems I aim to solve.




6A: Examine evidence-based practices to prepare for professional engagement across systems.


Academic Evidence: In both the courses Clinical I and Clinical II this year, I had the chance to hear from three different licenced clinical social workers who were mentors throughout two semesters (affective level: receiving). These professionals practiced clinically in a variety of settings, and they each presented information about the different psychological issues and disorders listed in the DSM V. These mentors not only explained the clinical descriptions and criteria for professional diagnosis, but they also provided knowledge about the different evidence-based treatment options for the mental disorders. Their presentations incorporated theories, research, and competencies as they relate to the world of mental health treatment and diagnosis. Here is a link to one of the powerpoint presentations which they showed: DSM 5 Presentation. 


Field Evidence: I accompanied an elementary school counselor and met with four second graders who were having trouble focusing and behaving appropriately in their classrooms. In a small group setting, I demonstrated for them the “remote control” model, which provided them with a visual and tangible explanation of how we as people have “channels” which we change to and from (affective level: responding). In this session, I taught the students about how to change to the “teacher’s channel” or the “school channel.” This explanation uses an evidence-based strategy to help young individuals understand and grasp the concept of self-control, appropriate behavior, and response to authority. Here is the journal entry where I described this activity:Journal Feb 2.


Other Evidence: During the year, I wanted to gain knowledge about existing therapies which are helpful and effective for youth. I decided to do side research on play therapy, which incorporates the methods of recreational play activities which children oftentimes enjoy with evidence-based behavioral therapy practices. During this process, I read and evidence-based and peer-reviewed study about the effectiveness of play therapy over the course of ten years, along with which variables are impactful. I wrote a brief review about the study and discussed the knowledge I gained with my supervisor. Here is a link to the review about the study:Play Therapy Research.



6B: Engage with systems utilizing evidence-based practice strategies.


Academic Evidence: For the Clinical I class I took this year, I spent the course of my time reading through the book “Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Second Edition” by Beck. The chapters in this reading are packed full of evidence-based practice strategies which integrate the cognitive theories along with behavior theories, social learning theories, and more (affective level: receiving). The CBT content presented in the book expands from basic and fundamental practices to specific skills which intervene for clients dealing with issues including depression, anxiety, and trauma. The practices described in the readings have been used by a variety of mental health professionals over a wide range of settings in order to meet the needs of clients. In reviewing, analyzing, and practicing these skills I expanded on my own abilities to be competent and to deliver quality and effective services to others. Attached is an example of me correcting dialogue using the knowledge I gained about effective uses of CBT in therapy: CBT Dialogue Rachel Wood.


Field Evidence: In December, I attended a training along with several Walker County school professionals which was put on by the Mobile Crisis Team. This group consists of mental health proffessionals who train others on evidence-based research and methods which are most effective in suicide crisis situations. At this event, I learned about the Columbia Protocol questionnaire, which is a widely-known and utilizied series of questions which a professional should ask and record for a client who is at risk of suicide. This protocol calculates a risk level for the client, where further actions can be taken based on that risk level. In the training, I learned about the various actions which I should take as a school social worker after I administer the questionnaire to a student. All of the information which I absorbed and learned about is evidence-based and current when addressing the risk of suicide in children and teens. Here is an image of some of the notes I took during the training: Mobile Crisis Team Notes. Furthermore, I implemented the use of this questionnaire with a student who visited our office expressing the desire to commit suicide that day (cognitive level: application). Here is a link to the journal entry where I describer this event:Nov Jounral 3.