Competency 1- Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior

Graphic of Professionalism and the Five Principles

Professionalism is a major component of being a competent social worker. Part of professionalism is shown in demeanor and dress in the workplace setting. I demonstrate this by appropriate attire as set by the rules of the agency. It is also involves being on time so that the social worker is able to begin meeting their clients’ needs. Punctuality is important because it shows the clients at the agency that they are being cared for. Professional and ethical behavior also involves setting proper boundaries with colleagues and the supervisor. Another example of ethical behavior would be respecting a client’s right to self-determination. This is important considering that when it comes to delivering services, the client is the expert on their needs and wants. This is the fundamental stepping stone of social work.

1.1 – Develop a practice framework for analysis of complex environments, that is ethical, value-grounded, and evidenced-based

Course Evidence: For one of my classes which was Advanced Clinical Practice I, I was required to complete a self-assessment paper on myself and skills regarding using Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (CBT) in a clinical situation. Along with the self-assessment paper, I was also required to film a video of myself implementing Cognitive-Behavior Therapy with a pseudo client who was going through a divorce and wanted to learn some methods of how to cope. Completing both the self-assessment paper of my knowledge on using CBT and completing a video gave me the opportunity to develop an ethical analysis of how CBT can be with clients along with a video showing evidence of it’s effective demonstration. 

Advanced Clinical Practice I video 

CBT Project Transcription

Knowledge: The knowledge that was used for this competency was the process of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and how to implement it in a clinical situation that I learned from Advanced Clinical Practice I. 

Theoretical foundation: The theoretical foundation used for this competency was empathy altruism hypothesis. Empathy-altruism hypothesis is based on the idea that if we feel empathy towards a person, we are likely to help them without any selfish thoughts. The way that this theoretical foundation was applied was through the video of myself using my CBT skills with the pseudo client. Her situation of being divorced caused me to approach the situation with empathy and understanding. 

1.2 – Implement supervisory and self-care strategies that integrate professional strengths, limitations, and challenges

Field Evidence: At my field placement at Signal Centers, I collaborated with my field instructor and task supervisor on a schedule that would allow for me to have my meetings once a week with the field instructor and complete my 425-hour internship at Signal Centers. My task supervisor also discussed with me the agencies’ policies on how to engage clients and the specific interventions that are implemented at the agency which is art therapy. Also, I discussed with my task supervisor and my field instructor my field learning plan and I began completing my field monthly field journals. 

Advanced Learning Plan

Skills: The skills that were implemented for this competency were communication, professionalism, and self-care. 

Values: The values that were implemented with this competency were the importance of human relationships and dignity and worth of the person. By having the conversations with my field instructor and task supervisor about my schedule with the agency and my journals, this allowed for me to implement self-care into my routine so that I will be able to come to my field placement ready to implement the best services to the participants at Signal Centers. 

Cognitive Process: The cognitive process that was used for this competency was synthesis. I implemented by sitting with my field instructor and task supervisor about the best ways to go about completing my advanced learning plan. We categorized and compiled the specific activities that would be appropriate for meeting the specific competencies in the learning plan. 

1.3 – Exhibit commitment to professional growth through continuing education, supervision, and ongoing consultation

Course Evidence: Last semester, for Advanced Administration & Practice I, I was required to do training for two certificate opportunities. One of the certificate opportunities that I had completed was the Six Sigma White Belt Certification. For this certification, I learned the basics of project management and the history of the method of Six Sigma and how it has been used for project management in many businesses and organizations. The other certificate opportunity that I had completed was called “Responsible Conduct of Research”. From this certificate opportunity, I had learned about the proper ethics and conduct necessary when doing research projects, especially if the research project involves surveys and people. 

Six Sigma Certification

Values: The values that were demonstrated in this competency were honesty, integrity, social justice, and service. These were the values that were emphasized during the training for the research certificate that I had completed. 

Affective Process: For this competency, the training required me to listen throughout the hour in order for me to attain the information to take the quiz towards the end and receive the certificate. 

1.4 – Demonstrate professional oral and written communication skills

Field Evidence: At Signal Centers, as an intern, I was required to complete assessments on assigned participants as a requirement by the organization’s policy. These assessments are a crucial part of keeping track of the client’s behaviors and participation in the activities planned by the life enrichment coordinator at the adult center. With this assessment, I was also required to record the client’s eating habits. 

Assessment notes

Additional evidence: This semester, I completed a course on using Google Suites. Google Suites is comprised of different programs such as G-Mail, Google Docs, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Hangouts which will be very effective for any administrative duties that I will be assigned in my career as a social worker.

Google Suite Certification